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≫ Download Gratis Shelby and Shauna Kitt and the Dimensional Holes PHC Marchesi Shaun Lindow 9780615475448 Books

Shelby and Shauna Kitt and the Dimensional Holes PHC Marchesi Shaun Lindow 9780615475448 Books

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Download PDF Shelby and Shauna Kitt and the Dimensional Holes PHC Marchesi Shaun Lindow 9780615475448 Books

Shelby and Shauna Kitt and the Dimensional Holes PHC Marchesi Shaun Lindow 9780615475448 Books

Marchesi is a phenomenal storyteller, roping the reader into this wonderful tale of other dimensions and species. Though the story revolves around two thirteen-year-old protagonists, I'd have to say that this is a book for everyone. Parents can read it to their children, MG and YA readers will eat it up, and adults will enjoy the premise, themes, and overall fun this book has to offer.

Not only does this novel have a very interesting storyline, but Marchesi's writing capabilities also shine throughout the entire tale. I am always excited when I start a new novel and, three pages in, note to myself that "this book is really well written." It is few authors that have me singing their praises that early on in the novel, so I must say, this novel is very well done. Although the novel is somewhat long, with the protagonists being whisked from place to place, dimension to dimension, it keeps the reader's attention throughout, which is a feat in and of itself, as many authors lose their reader when so much is happening within the text.

Marchesi has a truly vivid imagination, and her explanations throughout the novel were really interesting. I am in awe of the sheer amount of imagination Marchesi brings to her story, tweaking it just so, making the reader experience it and not just read about it. I highly recommend this novel to all readers, and am hoping for a sequel!! Four stars!

Read Shelby and Shauna Kitt and the Dimensional Holes PHC Marchesi Shaun Lindow 9780615475448 Books

Tags : Shelby and Shauna Kitt and the Dimensional Holes [P.H.C. Marchesi, Shaun Lindow] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. <b>[ Shelby and Shauna Kitt and the Dimensional Holes</i></b><span><b> won "Best First Chapter Book" in the 2012 Children's Literary Classics Awards,P.H.C. Marchesi, Shaun Lindow,Shelby and Shauna Kitt and the Dimensional Holes,Out-of-this-world Books,0615475442,Children's BooksAll Ages,Fantasy & Magic,Juvenile Fiction Fantasy & Magic

Shelby and Shauna Kitt and the Dimensional Holes PHC Marchesi Shaun Lindow 9780615475448 Books Reviews

I think the book is brilliant. I want to spend hours exploring the parallel dimension of Mirian. the descriptions are so wonderful and detailed. The adventure is excellent as well. A great read for any age.
"Gees! You never let me do anything!" Well, fine - how about saving the world, along with a couple of other planets that can only be seen if you have a positive personality and can travel to another dimension? Shelby and Shauna Kitt and Dimensional Holes follows the adventures of a set of twins who have some special gifts that enable them to combat the forces of darkness that threaten to destroy several worlds. Their journey takes you through meeting the other candidates for the mission and learning about the wonders of Miriax, another world that survives on the positive energy produced from Earthlings, and Klodius, its sister planet that feeds on negative energy. A lot of 13-year-old conversations, situations, and humor used to develop the characters and explain the different worlds that kids would relate to. Although adults might find this a little tedious after a while, hang in there - the second half of the book is action packed and brings everything together in a you just-can't-put-it-down kind of adventure.
This book is really awesome. It describes Mirax (another planet) in a way that you can actually see it in your head. I wish this book was part of a series because I want to read more books like this book.
This book was super fun. I really enjoyed the characters, the world-building, and the story. I would love to see Shelby and Shauna in another book down the road. I especially enjoyed the complex characters (for a YA/Independent Reader level book) I would recommend this to kids 8-13, or an older reader who wants something fairly light but fast paced and enjoyable.
A great debut novel well-written and compelling for the whole family. The characters are well developed, the settings are strange and beautiful, and the story is engaging. It is hard to put down! This would be a great addition to any school library and would be particularly appropriate to the 10-15 year old crowd, and even younger advanced readers. Will be purchasing additional copies for gifts and a copy for our school library. Thank you for a great book, P.H.C. Marchesi; we can't wait for the next installment!
When Shauna and Shelby Kitt are "drafted" to save Earth and another good planet Miriax from the evil Klodians, they have no "earthly" idea what they've gotten themselves into. In this young teen adventure, the author has created an exciting world filled with space aleins, evil Klodians, frightening space ghosts, healers, stitching spiders, giant bats and many other fun and quirky details and situations that you might expect from a story involving multiple dimensions. The characters are well developed--you care for the good guys and really hate the bad the guys--and the plot twists and turns made me feel like i was riding in that space ship at times. No motion sickness for me though. Great book and a fun read. I would recommend Shelby and Shauna Kitt and the Dimensional Holes for any reader ten on up to..oh say a hundred. In other words any reader with an imagination!
Shelby and Shauna Kitt are kids with special abilities and an abundance of "positive energy." It is this unique energy that makes them the most suitable people on the planet to save not only our world but also the parallel world of Miriax from the Klodians who inhabit a third parallel world. Dimensional holes have opened between Miriax and Earth, and between Earth and Klodius. They must be closed and Shelby and Shauna are called on to help. These young heroes are engaging and likeable. The adult characters may sometimes seem childish or simplistic to older readers but I think younger readers would find them believable.
This wonderfully imaginative book is sure to appeal to Middle Grade readers. It's a bit Little Prince, a bit Wizard of Oz, a bit Alice in Wonderland and a lot of fun. What I like especially are the lighthearted tone and positive mood that are carried throughout the book. The plot is strong enough to carry your interest and the tone is just silly enough that you know not to take it too seriously. This combination makes for a very enjoyable reading experience.
Marchesi is a phenomenal storyteller, roping the reader into this wonderful tale of other dimensions and species. Though the story revolves around two thirteen-year-old protagonists, I'd have to say that this is a book for everyone. Parents can read it to their children, MG and YA readers will eat it up, and adults will enjoy the premise, themes, and overall fun this book has to offer.

Not only does this novel have a very interesting storyline, but Marchesi's writing capabilities also shine throughout the entire tale. I am always excited when I start a new novel and, three pages in, note to myself that "this book is really well written." It is few authors that have me singing their praises that early on in the novel, so I must say, this novel is very well done. Although the novel is somewhat long, with the protagonists being whisked from place to place, dimension to dimension, it keeps the reader's attention throughout, which is a feat in and of itself, as many authors lose their reader when so much is happening within the text.

Marchesi has a truly vivid imagination, and her explanations throughout the novel were really interesting. I am in awe of the sheer amount of imagination Marchesi brings to her story, tweaking it just so, making the reader experience it and not just read about it. I highly recommend this novel to all readers, and am hoping for a sequel!! Four stars!
Ebook PDF Shelby and Shauna Kitt and the Dimensional Holes PHC Marchesi Shaun Lindow 9780615475448 Books

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