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[YSI]⋙ Read Free Other Oceans The Hook Jill Saga Andrea Jones 9780982371404 Books

Other Oceans The Hook Jill Saga Andrea Jones 9780982371404 Books

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Other Oceans The Hook Jill Saga Andrea Jones 9780982371404 Books

I loved Andreas first hook and jill when I met her at a pirate ship festival in my home town and she signed my book. (Which by the way was the first time I've ever had a book signed) love the book! I love children stories and to see one become an adult version is amazing! I'm sure a lot of people could say oh it ruins the childhood book, but we all grow up, and to bring a book into adulthood too, is just great. It's like when you were little and had a crush on Peter or hook as a child, well here you go! Now you can read about it as Wendy/Jill!

Read Other Oceans The Hook  Jill Saga Andrea Jones 9780982371404 Books

Tags : Other Oceans (The Hook & Jill Saga) [Andrea Jones] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. "Identify the weapon, and use it first." Such is the code of Captain James Hook, in this lyrical sequel to <b> Hook & Jill</i></b>. And this time,Andrea Jones,Other Oceans (The Hook & Jill Saga),Reginetta Press,0982371403

Other Oceans The Hook Jill Saga Andrea Jones 9780982371404 Books Reviews

Jill has sailed away from Neverland leaving the girl, Wendy, far behind. No longer is she the innocent, sweet storyteller. Wendy has transformed into Jill the Pirate Queen, lady and lover of none other than Captain Hook. Shortly after leaving the confines of Neverland, the crew takes on two new passengers, a surgeon and his daughter. It seems that the surgeon only has eyes for Jill, and he is willing to do whatever it takes to make his own, even if that means resorting to dastardly deeds. His daughter, Eliza, isn't the sweet and innocent girl she pretends to be either. Once the pair is on board the Jolly Roger, bad luck ensues. A deadly game of cat and mouse follows, and Captain Hook comes up missing. It is up to Jill to lead the crew and save her love. Can she recover Hook and maintain order on the ship?
What I Liked
*This was an incredibly complex read with plenty of suspense, mystery and intrigue. This isn't the type of book that you can rip right through, it is a read that takes care, time and dedication. For those of you who enjoy detailed, intricate and complicated plots you will enjoy this book.
*I am awe of how Ms. Jones has taken a few of the beloved characters that we know and love from Peter Pan and completely refashioned them. I never thought I would be an avid supporter of Captain Hook, but after reading this series, I respect and admire him. He is so much more than a villain. He is a dedicated and formidable Captain who demands and gets the respect of his crew. If you are in Hook's good graces fortune is yours. If not.....well prepare for battle. I love that Hook has captured my attention and even a piece of my heart. Jill, Wendy, is far removed from the sweet naive girl who stole Peter Pan's heart. Now days she is a pirate, fierce and courageous. She never backs down, and she not only holds the hearts of all the crew but their admiration and respect as well. Toodles, Nibs and Smee round out the cast of familiar characters, I enjoyed seeing each of them grow beyond the characters I thought I knew. Smee is another one who is worthy of attention. I love his dedication to Hook and Jill and how brave and loyal he is, even if that means personal sacrifice.
*The plot is intricate and it contains many story lines. At some points in the story, there is so much plotting and scheming going on it is difficult to tell what is really going on. Is the act Jill putting on for the surgeon really a ruse or is there something more? You must keep your head on and pay close attention because there is so much to take in. My head was spinning at all the plot twists and surprises. I cannot tell you how many times I wavered in my conclusions, and in the end I was wrong.
*The two villains, the surgeon and his daughter are diabolical and awful. They are calculating and flat out nasty. They are the type of villains you love to hate. I always love a good villain and I was certainly caught off guard by the daughter, in fact I think I despised her even more than the surgeon.
*I liked that after all the surprises that everything draws to a tidy and satisfying conclusion. No cliffhangers or unresolved questions. You could certainly end the journey here and be content, but the end promises a trip back to Neverland and how can you resist the call of this magical land? I am eager to return and catch up with Peter Pan, Tiger Lily and Tinkerbell.
And The Not So Much
*I liked the scorching romance between Hook and Jill, but I was not a fan of the other romantic developments and interests. This book moves into love triangle territory and beyond. While I can see how tempting it would be for a young girl who is the shining jewel of every man's affections to give in, it is quite another to take more than one lover. I wasn't a fan of all the developments as far as the romance goes, but things seem to be back on track to where I like them so I am hopeful that it will once again move in the proper direction.
*As I mentioned, the villains are absolutely vile, and I was not a fan of the development that occurs between the father and daughter. I won't go into details here, but it made me stomach turn. Yuck! Of course, it shows just how despicable the surgeon is.
*I discussed this in my review of Hook & Jill, but I feel it bears repeating. These books are adult books and should be read by mature readers. There are plenty of adult situations and it is definitely not suited for younger readers. Don't pick this up expecting a light, fun revision of Peter Pan. Also due to the complexity of the writing, you need to be prepared to spend time with these books. You can't pick these up expecting to cruise right through. You must focus and read cautiously and carefully. Furthermore, Ms. Jones' writing style is complicated and detailed. For those of you who don't like slower paces with an extraordinary amount of detail, these may not be the books for you. I personally enjoy detail and lengthy explanations, but even I felt that it weighed down the read a bit. The pace is also very slow. There is a great deal of time carefully laying out the conflicts, but it all reaches a thrilling, dramatic climax and resolution. Well worth the trip, you just have to be patient to get there.

Other Oceans is a book that takes characters from the beloved Peter Pan tale and refashions them far beyond their original selves. This is a fascinating book with plenty of conflict, scheming and more. The world building is detailed and complex, perfect for fans who enjoy lengthy, intricate reads. I am interested to see how the crew will fare once they return to Neverland.

Favorite Quotations
"Remembering isn't the hardest part. It's going on without him."
"One can never trust a pirate."

I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own and I was not compensated for this review.

Rainy Day Ramblings.
Another epic tale from the accomplished pen of Andrea Jones. When the Roger takes in a surgeon with a coveted passion serum, they get more than they bargained for. Doctor Hanover and his daughter, Liza, wreck havoc with the crew. Hook suddenly vanishes and Jill is left trying to keep the Roger afloat by balancing the attentions and power lust of the first mate and doctor. Each man connives to replace the missing Hook as captain of the ship and, of Jill's heart. But it is Jill who masterfully manipulates and ultimately controls the Roger's destiny. Full of crosses and double-crosses and lusciously written, this is sure to delight avid fans of pirate stories and J.M. Barrie.
great follow up to the first book in the series...looking forward to another one.
I enjoyed the first book (Hook and Jill) of this saga, and I enjoyed the majority of this book as well, but I felt there was a section that was really long winded, and ended up skipping over the section, which I hate doing, but it felt like I was reading about the same or similar plot twists over and over, all with a very expected outcome.
Although it doesn't seem to read as smoothly as it's predecessor, Other Oceans is a good sold read and adventure story. Jill and Hook battle evil in the form of a gentleman doctor. Well worth the purchase.
It's a good story. I love the story from Her point of view. It's a bit long winded at times, but was a good read. I hate to say more or I'd give away something.
The book had very little interaction between Hook and Jill and dragged. The chapters were very repetitive and did not make much progress. I put it down numerous times where I had finished the first book in one sitting. Overall it was OK but would have been better if it were shorter.
I loved Andreas first hook and jill when I met her at a pirate ship festival in my home town and she signed my book. (Which by the way was the first time I've ever had a book signed) love the book! I love children stories and to see one become an adult version is amazing! I'm sure a lot of people could say oh it ruins the childhood book, but we all grow up, and to bring a book into adulthood too, is just great. It's like when you were little and had a crush on Peter or hook as a child, well here you go! Now you can read about it as Wendy/Jill!
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